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    9.00am - 20.00pm

Acne Unit

Here at IDERMA we are specialised in the advanced treatment of juvenile acne, adult acne and rosacea acne, as well as its scars.

Acne is possibly the most common disease we encounter at the surgery. In addition to causing a significant aesthetic impact, with the implications that this entails in terms of self-esteem, this pathology can cause permanent sequelae. Acne should thus be treated from the very outset.

Here at IDERMA we are not only specialised in the treatment of juvenile acne, but also adult acne and rosacea. We also have the most advanced solutions for the treatment of acne scars.


Juvenile acne

Approximately 80% of young people between the ages of 12 and 24 will suffer from acne to a lesser, more moderate or greater extent.

The good news is that it is a disease which, if properly treated, is cured in more than 90% of cases. And even in the percentage of patients with resistant acne, it improves very significantly.

In addition, we currently have a wide range of treatments for both acne and its scars.

Juvenile acne is a pathology that occurs mainly as a result of the hyperproduction of androgens, male sex hormones, which takes place during adolescence, although acne responds to different causes and genetics is a very important determining factor.

It is essential that juvenile acne can be treated from the outset so that it does not get worse and, above all, to avoid its sequelae (acne scars). In this regard, very often patients go to the dermatologist after months or years of not treating acne or doing it inappropriately and this only exacerbates the pathology.

In addition, it should not be forgotten that acne has an important aesthetic impact and can significantly affect young people psychologically.

Here at IDERMA we are dermatologists who specialise in juvenile acne, offering highly effective treatments.


Adult hormonal acne

Acne can appear after the age of twenty and last until the age of 35 or 40. In adulthood though, it is a mainly female pathology. In fact, the prevalence of acne in adults is approximately 3% in men and 12% in women. The different impact between the sexes is due to the peculiarities of the female hormonal constitution.

Late acne usually manifests itself predominantly as lesions in the chin and around the mouth, with a few blackheads or little cysts and numerous more or less deep inflammatory lesions. They get worse in the days before menstruation and when they evolve they leave behind spots or scars.

The causes of acne in adulthood are not fully known. However, it is known to be influenced by increased sebum secretion in patients with persistent acne (the continuation of adolescent acne). In addition, external factors may have an impact.

Although it may be mild or moderate acne, acne scars, predominantly on the face, can greatly affect the self-esteem of those affected and impair their quality of life.

Here at IDERMA, as dermatologists specialising in acne, we set great store by the importance of care to help control acne or to cure it and, above all, to avoid future scars.


Cosmetic adult acne

Sometimes, adult acne is the result of using inappropriate cosmetics. That's why it's so important for a specialist to carry out asking and prescribe the most suitable cosmetics according to different needs.


Rosacea acne

Rosacea, also called rosacea acne, is a very common chronic disorder of the hair follicle (its prevalence is estimated to be between 2 and 10% of the population).

It is more common in light-skinned people and middle-aged women. Likewise, about a third of the patients have a family history of the same skin disease, which could be related to a certain genetic predisposition.


tratamiento rosacea iderma dermatolgos


Rosacea is mainly characterised by facial hypersensitivity(skin very sensitive and intolerant to the use of cosmetics), flushing outbreaks and the appearance of 'spots' or 'pimples' in the midfacial area. Other symptoms may include a burning or stinging sensation and the presence of swelling and/or dryness of the face.

Rosacea is a disease with little impact on the physical health of the individual. However, it can have a great psychological impact and on self-esteem, thus affecting the quality of life.

As general measures, the patient must understand that it is a chronic disease which occurs in the form of outbreaks in relation to certain stimuli.

Patients with rosacea have hypersensitive skin and are often intolerant to multiple cosmetics. Fortunately, there are various ranges of cosmetic products for intolerant and reactive skin. Many of them are specific cosmetics for skin with rosacea and they combine emollient agents, decongestants (to reduce redness) and sunscreens.

It is important to determine which subtype of rosacea the patient has in order to advise on the most appropriate specific treatment for each case. This includes drugs such as antibiotics, isotretinoin, PDL laser, intense pulsed light (IPL), electrocoagulation or CO2 laser.  Women should not get pregnant whilst taking this treatment because it can produce malformations in the fetus.


Acne scars

One of the most worrying sequelae of acne is the appearance of unsightly atrophic scars.

These are caused by a loss of collagen fibres, elastin and hyaluronic acid, which generates a loss of volume in these areas. This is why our therapeutic goal will be to stimulate the production of these substances in the skin and, in certain cases, replenish them.

In turn, those more depressed scars are caused by fibrotic bands that pull the surface of the skin towards deeper planes.

The most commonly used treatments for acne scars include non(NAFL), ablative fractional laser(AFL),chemical peelings, the infiltration of filler materials, subcision or surgical punch excision.